Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Dyson's suck. So does life sometimes.

I have opinions.  I know, real shocker.  I also like to write.  I have two blogs that are painfully neglected and don't see the light of day more than once a year, if that.  I journal, by hand, because I just like to write. And pens.  I have a small addiction.  Never mind that.

So, for whatever reason, I am feeling creative today and thought, I'll blog something.  I have so much insight and wisdom, it's a shame to not share it.

You back there!  Stop snickering!!

.....Before I was so rudely interrupted....I cracked open the laptop and went to Blogger.  I have two blogs that I've started.  I think I intended to make one of them a reflection of my weight loss journey (hence the name Life is a journey) and the other, I wanted to have fun, try to be humorous, be the class clown that I always wanted to be (A Kick in the Pants).

Life happens, you know.  Sometimes when you least expect it, life happens and then shit happens and then shitty life happens.  You see where I'm going there.  So, I did have a couple of things written up and saved as drafts.  I'm reading them this afternoon and, if I say so myself, they are pretty decent.  Without further ado, I am posting one of those.  I think I wrote this in 2016, like February.  I know exactly what was going on at that time and I generally know what motivated the blog.  And funny how, life continued to suck even after such an award winning post.  And then, it didn't suck, as much.  The post really sums up how I felt and have felt over the past couple of years.  I'm not sure I would change a whole lot about the past two years.  What's the point!?  I don't have a time machine.

So here is a forgotten blog dated February, 2016.

Wow.  This has been a rough year.  I know that it's just a little past mid February.  I get that.  But it's been rough already.  Rough like a pot hole riddled street.  Or rough like wooden roller coasters.  Or rough like a canker sore in the corner of your mouth that breaks open every time you talk.  Rough. 
I'm not a religious type who gets much from the old adage that "God never gives you more than you can handle".  I believe that humans are very resilient.  I've seen kids rebound after incredible illness and adversity while working as a bedside nurse.    I don't really believe in Karma either.  You know, "Karma will come back and get ya".  That again suggests some kind of judgmental, superior higher power that monitors our actions and then doles out corresponding consequences.  That suggests that people deserve the adversity that they experience.  

I think rough years, rough months, rough days are a product of life, a product of behavior and decisions, a product of our perception, the sense of entitlement, the environment and sometimes a product of genetics (in some ways).  Having said that, rough days, months and weeks, whatever they are the product of, suck.  Like a Dyson.  They suck.

I think in the end,  our mentality, our personality and our support system is the real teller of how much life can suck.  If you believe that you are a victim, more things will suck and it's not your fault.  If you are stubborn, chances are, lots of things will end up sucking but it's your way or the hi way.  If you're down to earth, even keeled, things suck but you pretty much take it in stride.  If you are upbeat, life sucks but tomorrow WILL be better.  If you're rich, you just buy yourself the Hope Diamond or a baseball team when you're having a sucky day. 

I think we all just try to power through, do what we have to do and move on.  When the situation is over or not over but we have a little break, it is then that we look at the situation, our life and review our options.  Some of us will have a little adult beverage, some are lucky enough to be able to take a break or time out.  Some will find themselves consumed and broken by adversity.  The result really is up to you.