Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weight Loss Surgery Is Not a Cure!!

I think that I've said this before but I'm gonna say it again.  Weight loss surgery is not a cure.  It is not a fix.  It is not the end game.  It is not the magic bullet.  It IS a tool.  It is ONLY a tool.  It is only as useful and as helpful as you make it.

Okay, I feel better having said that, AGAIN.

I think that I'm saying it as a reminder myself.  I live it every day, but sometimes, I don't live it like I should be living it.  Um. Like right now.  For about the last 6 months.  There's so much more to bariatric surgery and it isn't the fix it surgery.  I knew this going in.  I knew that it was a tool.  But I'm telling you!  In the very beginning, it can be really persuasive as a cure.  It can really feel like you hit the jackpot, so to speak.  I lost more than 50 lbs in 6 months, like easy.  It was amazing and I felt so good about myself.  It was easy because I was motivated and my new stomach was not so forgiving to errors and overages.  It felt like I had discovered the answer to my life long weight battle. 

Then. Well, the truth is, weight loss surgery isn't a fix.  It is JUST a tool.  So, I'm a little over a year out of my surgery and I have kept off a total of 47lbs.  I have actually gained back about 5-6 lbs.  This same 5 lbs have come and gone a couple of times.  The thing is, I could easily lose interest in paying attention to that scale and say screw it to not watching what I eat and begin to gain back even more weight.  I totally could.  Because the surgery is a tool, not a cure.

Today, I'm feeling motivated by the connection that I made with an old friend.  She and I lost contact for many years but I have recently been back in touch with her.  She underwent bariatric surgery last week.  (I think the same surgery as myself.)  And, after texting with her for a few minutes, I realized that I'm not really committed to the process like I was in the beginning.  And like any other process, it takes effort, committment and persistence.  I've not been giving it any of that lately.  And, I'm struggling.  I'm looking at the scale, wishing it was going down not up and feeling less than happy about what I see. 

But, this, like so many other things in life, require us to renew our committment day in and day out.  I can't just ignore my health.  That sure didn't work for 39 years and sure the hell won't work 39 more.  I have to give myself a break, stop being so critical.  I have to forgive myself for the lapse in committment and get back on that horse.  Get my shit together and do this thing.  It's not easy anymore; it's reality.  I have to make friends with reality.  And that reality is, I have to put forth the effort to be who I want to be and look how I want to look.

So, this glass of Strawberita is a toast to new beginnings and tomorrow is a new day.  I shall renew my committment to myself and get back on that horse.  Giddy up!

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