Saturday, October 13, 2012

When did this journey begin?

Well, the obvious and smart ass answer to when my journey began would be with my birth, nearly 40 (**chokes and gags**) years ago.  The truth is, this concept of "a journey" kind of kicked me in the head around July 24th, 2012.  That would be the day that I underwent surgery to have a sleeve gastrectomy.  Before going under the knife, I was compelled to do a lot of research (as one should before going under the knife), and I found several blogs related to the weight loss journey that people had embarked on.  I liked the idea of blogs but I wasn't so keen on just writing about my weight loss journey.  What occurred to me, though, was that this decision was only one of many journeys that I have taken in my nearly 40 (**coughing and gagging**) years.  That losing weight is not the sum total of who I am.  My depression is not the sum total of who I am.  My child and my experience as a parent is not the sum total of who I am.  It is everything put together that makes this my journey.  EVERYTHING!

Sure, there are plenty of blogs about nurses being nurses and moms being moms.  There are craft blogs and diy blogs.  There are beauty blogs and blogs completely dedicated to a life altering disease process.  Frankly, I just don't have enough to say about one particular topic like that.  If anyone reading this knows me at all, you know that I have a whole lot of opinions about a whole lot of things.  And I've had a few experiences in this journey called life.

So, read on if you wish.  This is about life's journey every day.  It's about my life and the lives of people I care about.  It's about my journey through weight loss (which is going along smashingly, by the way) and my journey through parenting and depression and the world of crafting and foster parenting and nursing and well, a whole lotta shit.

Hope you enjoy, at least a little bit.